My Blogs
1st August, 2023
Is Free Will Just an Illusion?
Benjamin Libet was an American neuroscientist and a pioneer in the field of human consciousness.
He conducted experiments in which participants were attached to an EEG machine via electrodes on their scalp to measure brain activity.
Volunteers performed simple tasks like moving a finger and noting the position on a clock-
Disconcertingly, Libet found evidence of brain activity initiating movement about 350 milliseconds before the conscious decision was noted.
Therefore, the conscious decision did not cause the movement as the brain activity
bringing this about started to happen before the individual was consciously aware of it.
Libet concluded that we might not have free will as we usually think of it but rather "free won't", an ability to consciously veto an action already started in the brain. This vetoing occurs when we intend to do something but do not, but are we aware of the exact moment the decision to veto was first made?
Libet’s theory fits in very neatly with BWRT because it answers the questions many of us struggle with, namely, “Why do I keep doing this?”, “why is this a problem for me?”, “Why do I think this way?” and why willpower alone doesn’t overcome our issues.
If the concept of good or bad for you does not exist, as far as the earliest threads in the neural pathway are concerned, instead, pattern matching and speed are everything, we can then explain to the client why they respond in the same way despite their best efforts not to.
2nd August, 2023
Anxiety -
Stress can take many guises:-
‘Headless Chicken’:-
Demands too great for the level of skill possessed:-
Excessively High Expectation of Self:-
Guilt: -
Situations where an individual feels uncomfortable:-
Fear is at the root of it…
Fear of looking stupid, being found out, loss of integrity, being caught out, punishment, physical pain and many more.
Sometimes the fear is accompanied by a physical response such as diarrhoea, nausea, hyperventilation etc.
As far as BWRT is concerned, we do not need to track down the original event that caused the fear (often called the Initial Sensitising Event, or ISE). We need to discover the actual fear and what the individual fears would happen.
For example, someone presenting with a fear of flying, which upon investigation, may be a fear of heights, falling, travel sickness, claustrophobia, etc.
BWRT re-
BWRT: Reboot your life with BrainWorking Recursive Therapy
12th August, 2023
Understanding how people tick …
Are you a Warrior, Settler or Nomad?
The following classifications have been developed from Terence Watts’ https://www.bwrt.org/pages/tw research into evolutionary psychology https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolutionary_psychology, culminating in the book Warriors, Settlers & Nomads, published by Crown House https://www.crownhouse.co.uk/assets/look-
Nomads always existed because everyone was Nomadic when our ancestors appeared on earth around 150,000-
We all have a bit of each, but one type will be dominant.
So, who are you? Warrior, Settler or Nomad?
Resolute Organisational Personality (RO) -
Intuitive Adaptable Personality (IA) -
Charismatic Evidential Personality (EC) -
Physiology: Fairly straight-
Speech: Unhurried and fairly stead, not the most communicative.
Positive traits: Practical, tenacious & independent. Quick thinkers.
Negative traits: Suspicious, dictatorial, manipulative. Hates being wrong. Has trouble apologising.
Dress: Plain and unfussy, sometimes austere, drab or darkish colours.
Warriors are usually intellectually orientated, logical and analytical. They are ‘thinkies’, not ‘feelies’.
They are governed by their head rather than their heart and not so concerned with what others think of them.
Warriors like taking charge and are masters at finding the flaw in an argument.
They have no difficulty taking charge and may have a reputation for firmness, with a 'bark worse than their bite'.
Negatively, they can be intimidating, possessive, cynical and intolerant. They do not suffer fools gladly.
Physiology: Responsive body and head movements, with frequent smiles. A tendency to appear to agree with most that is said to them.
Speech: Modulated and communicative. Good listeners.
Positive: Caring, cheerful, pleasant, tolerant, polite, sensitive, a 'people person'.
Negative: Indecisive, under confident, problems with self belief, a tendency to ‘cut off nose to spite their face’.
Dress: Soft colours and often co-
Settlers are pleasant and responsive people who are tactful and careful with the feelings of others.
Confident Settlers are excellent communicators and are not as soft as they appear. The Settler cannot abide injustice and will fight somebody else’s battle more readily than their own.
If they win their ‘battle’, they often have a ‘let bygones be bygones’ attitude to their ‘enemy’.
They are intuitive and without equal with regard to having an instinctive grasp of what is happening around them.
Physiology: Nomads are expansive in gesture, often animated and noisy. They laugh easily and are often extroverts with few inhibitions.
Speech: Nomads speak more than listen and are storytellers.
Dress: Individualistic, either ‘designer’ or downbeat, showy or scruffy, and have a ‘style’ of their own.
Positive: Fun-
Negative: They may be boastful and prone to exaggerate their successes. Nomads are easily bored and can be petulant. If upset, they may ‘throw their toys out of the pram’!
They delight in being seen as charismatic and tend to be lively and high-
They live life to the full and do not ‘let the grass grow', often inspiring others. Nomads are happy when something exciting is occurring or about to. They excel in lecturing or teaching because of their expressive nature and also do well in law and money. Like the Warrior, they do not ‘do’ emotions well, although they may ‘act’ the part.
If you think like a Warrior, be sure your behaviour maintains self-
If you think like a Settler, use your communication and understanding skills to enhance your natural friendliness to create rapport, but stand firm against any suggestion that you should settle for a lesser result than you know to be fair!!!
If you think like a Nomad, the best way to handle things is quickly, use light-
We all have traits of the Warrior, Settler and Nomad in our personality, but sometimes we do not act in the mode best suited to a situation.
With an understanding of WSN, we can call on these resources when needed and behave in the mode that is appropriate to the circumstance.
In other words, use the right tool for the job!
So, who are you ?
Identifying your predominant personality-
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